Business enquiries
Send us an email and we'll set up a call. Our friendly team will ask a few questions, show you the deployment tools, and outline a tailored blueprint in line with your organizational goals.
If you have any relevant business objectives you'd like to accomplish with Life Languages, let us know so we can hit the ground running.

Step 1
Team Kickoff Assessment
Deploy the Life Language assessment for your team.
Step 2
In-Depth Analysis Report
Receive a detailed report, offering insights into how each member’s communication style can contribute to your objectives.
Step 3
Strategy Workshop
Host a one-day workshop teaching  communication awareness and developing implementation strategies towards your objectives.
Step 4
Coaching & Support Roadmap
We create a tailored plan for ongoing enterprise, team, or individual support. Benefit from a Service-Level Agreement providing continuous expert coaching to implement the strategic plan and support your team’s development.
Coaching enquiries
Send us an email and we'll get in touch.

Step 1
Contact Our Team
Let us know where you're from and what profession you work in. We'll match you to a Certified Coach.
Step 2
Life Languages Profile Review
Your coach will take you through a detailed analysis of your profile to help you develop a greater understanding of your unique strengths and opportunities for growth.
Step 3
Take The Next Step
Our coaches will explore your goals with you. Whether you need ongoing coaching or dedicated support, your coach will help you achieve personal and professional growth.