What are Life Languages?

The 7 Life Languages are  communication styles that fall under 3 Intelligence Categories of Act, Feel, and Think. Each Life Language has its own unique characteristics that reveal your interactive style and preferences.

3 Intelligence Categories
Act first - Kinetic Intelligence icon
Act First
They tend to be either practical or innovative. Their first response is to move into action to accomplish their goals.
They often respond quickly and decisively with an instinctive awareness or practical intelligence.
Feel first - Emotional Intelligence icon
Feel First
They tend to be relational. Their first response is through their feelings, which they reveal in their speech or behavior.
They often respond intuitively with their relational awareness and emotional intelligence.
Think first - Rational Intelligence icon
Think First
They use their head. Some think fast, while others spend time reasoning, researching, and thinking strategically.
They often  respond rationally with their cognitive awareness or analytical intelligence.
The 7 Life Languages
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How do intelligence categories work?

All of us often go through each intelligence category rapidly and subconsciously. However, it’s helpful to understand the order in which this occurs. This is intelligence awareness: understanding how to recognize and switch across categories into the other person’s communication style.

For example, if your first intelligence is action-oriented and you want to communicate with someone whose first intelligence is thinking, you need to:

  • first stop and listen
  • then mirror their thinking words
  • before taking action
Is one language better than another?

No Life Language is better than another. However, all have their strengths in certain scenarios and when looking for particular outcomes. The key question is, what is needed most in this particular moment? We often 'pull up' lower languages out of instinct at work or in new situations — it just takes more energy.

Any language can be very effective in business and positions of authority. Each Life Language simply leads differently.

Do the languages have weaknesses?

All languages have strong, positive characteristics and corresponding weaknesses. Each language can have predictable and unproductive results when carried to an extreme or subjected to stress that becomes distress. Which is why we help you recognize the signals and get ahead of them.

Will the profile tell me who I am?

While the character traits are fairly consistent as described by your top Life Languages, people are complex and change over time. Moreover, different environments, life experiences, and friendships will draw out different characteristics in a person.

I want to learn more…

Here are the headlines:

  • Everyone speaks all 7 Life Languages to some degree of fluency. Although it may take more energy and intentionality to speak your lower languages.
  • There is no Life Language that cannot relate to another. Although some may take a little more effort.
  • A Life Language is not an identity or an excuse.We shouldn't use the languages to box people in, including ourselves.
  • 'Communication IQ' by Fred & Anna Kendall  is fantastic resource to learn much more about how Life Languages work. Buy it on Amazon USA or Amazon UK.
Curious to know your Life Languages?

Develop your communication skills:

  • Learn your communication style.
  • Identify the words, cues, and drives to connect and collaborate with others.
  • Identify keys to succeed for personal and professional development.
  • Prevent unnecessary misunderstandings.
  • Recognize the warning signs of distress.

For Teams & Business

Accelerate your growth

For those looking to better understand themselves and the different communication styles.
The Life Languages Chart: Your Life Languages in order of preference
Range & Gaps: Your current ability to switch to others Languages
Overall Intensity Level: Your drive to be heard
4 Success Keys to understand, motivate, and validate each language
2 Development Habits for  personal growth
Career Information for leadership style, ideal roles and professions
Take your profile now
For those looking to develop their career, lead others, and deeper personal insight.
Everything in the Personal Profile plus…
Acceptance Level: How you view yourself
Interactive Style: Working alone or in groups
Internal Control Level: Disciplined vs. impulsive
Intrusion Level: Ability to handle interruptions or distractions
Projective Indicator: How important other's perceptions and opinions are
Learning Preferences: Physical,  visual, or auditory
Communication Strategy Guide for each language
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